Information for Industry

What are the criteria you use to decide which projects you will undertake?

We have a few areas of focus in which we try to take projects: Advanced Manufacturing, Horticulture and Agriculture, New media and ICT, Health and Community Service, Food & Culinary (including beverages), and Business. We try to evaluate the probability that a successful project will result in economic development for you and the region – new products/services/processes, new markets for the company, new jobs. We also look at the fit with the college mission and educational opportunities for students and faculty.

Who would be working on the project?

The Research Project Manager from Niagara College would be the main point of contact for the company and the person responsible for the management of the project; the faculty would be in charge of the technical aspects; and the students and research associates would be the main workers and learners on the project.

What is expected from the company for a government-funded project?

It depends on the funding being leveraged, but there is usually a requirement for some cash and/or in-kind contribution from the partner company. For example, the in-kind contribution can be equipment, use of company facilities, or time from company experts. Part of the in-kind commitment is an involvement of staff from the company in the project to insure a good communication throughout the project and facilitate the transfer of technology at the end.

How does Niagara College benefit?

A successful applied research project benefits all stakeholders, including Niagara College as a whole. Our students and recent graduates benefit from being involved in a leading edge, real-world project. Our faculty benefit from professional development, and the ability to apply what they have learned from applied research into their course-based teaching. The College benefits from positive publicity. As Niagara College leads more and more successful research projects, their role as a provider to the community grows stronger and their reputation is enhanced.

What happens with the intellectual property (IP) upon completion?

You’re protected. In the majority of cases, the intellectual property is 100% owned by the industry partner upon project sign-off. However, intellectual property is dealt with on a case by case basis, and Research & Innovation will address IP allocation with each industry partner before the project begins.

As an industry partner, how much time should I expect to dedicate to the research project?

Time commitment depends on the nature of the project. It is important for the industry partner to remember that the quality and success of the research project is largely dependent on their level of commitment. An engaged and dedicated industry partner allows the research team to ensure the potential of the project is maximized and deliverables are met.

What is a course-based project?

Course-Based Projects bring together small- and medium-sized businesses, along with Niagara College faculty and students to provide solutions for a specific industry need. Click HERE to learn more.