No hibernation for Research & Innovation

Research & Innovation

While hiding away, keeping warm and planning for the winter months might seem like perfectly reasonable ways to spend cold January and February days, this is not the case for the busy employees of Niagara College’s Research & Innovation division.

In the weeks and months ahead, our researchers and innovation experts may be spotted at events throughout Niagara, the neighbouring GTA and beyond. As our reputation for excellence in applied research grows, so too do our invitations to present our findings, and to outline the award-winning approach we take when putting together projects that benefit our industry partners and empower our students to become successful graduates and future employees.

For example, representatives from the Walker Advanced Manufacturing Innovation Centre (WAMIC) will provide an interactive display of machine learning and 3D scanning technologies at the Building Connections conference, put on by Niagara Health and happening in early February.  

Later that month, the WAMIC team will join the Canadian Food & Wine Institute (CFWI) Innovation Centre, and the Agriculture & Environmental Technologies Innovation Centre at the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention, in Niagara Falls. Not only will the R&I team have an interactive display on the trade show floor, featuring products and innovations in the agri-food space, but several staff and industry partners will also be prominent as invited speakers in several afternoon sessions.

And when we aren’t busy attending external events, you can find us on campus hosting a variety of key outreach partners who wish to learn more about our resources and equipment, such as the South Niagara Chambers of Commerce, who will tour our food and beverage labs as part of their monthly membership meeting, next month.

To keep up with our news and events anytime, visit