Summer internship opportunity in computer programming

The Agriculture & Environment Innovation Centre is hiring a computer programming research associate from May until November, under the CICan Clean Tech Internship program.

This opportunity is an excellent springboard for a recent graduate to gain valuable experience working within a professional team as the successful candidate will work on programming deliverables from the senior research team, and have flexibility and creative input in execution as a developer for a micrometeorology web tool.

This position involves developing a web tool to support vineyard managers and other tender fruit growers. It will help to mitigate adverse weather conditions by using micrometeorology data to warn the grower, and to trigger mitigating activities. This technology will help to prevent crop damage and crop death. It will also provide information to aid with the best timing of fertilizer, pesticide, and fungicide applications. By improving these areas, this position will help to reduce the waste of replanting crops, and it will help to reduce and better time crop/field inputs.

To learn more, and apply, visit: