At the Food and Beverage Innovation Centre, we help you be market-ready by focusing on getting the food safety and quality parameters right at the initial stages of development, so you can prove your concept in the market and be confident in your next steps of scaling to commercial co-packing/manufacturing.
We de-risk the product launch process and plug in where you need support the most by helping to:
- Develop, reformulate, and initial scale-up new (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) beverage products
- Provide GMP food safe small batch processing from 50 litres to 1,000L
- De-risk process and formula optimization through pilot trials and scale-up feasibility studies
- Conduct food safety risk assessments, shelf-life studies, beverage formulation, mixing, carbonating, canning, and pasteurization
- Ensure peace of mind by being HACCP Certified, CFIA Licensed under Safe Food for Canadians Act and approved for Inter-provincial Trade, and AGCO compliant
- Provide fee-for-service rates and funding options that can offset applied research project costs subject to eligibility criteria