Research Opportunity Fund

Expression of Interest – Apply Now

Proposals for funding start with an Expression of Interest (EOI), which will be reviewed internally by R&I to ensure at least one or more of the goals of the ROF will be met by the project, and that the high-level timeline and proposed budget/expenses are acceptable.

Applicants will have an opportunity to improve or update the application based on input from R&I. They are strongly encouraged to contact Research & Innovation staff before applying. A reminder: applicants may only conduct one ROF project at a time.

Once R&I has approved this EOI, the applicant will have one month to submit a full application to the ROF committee for final evaluation. A fillable PDF for the Full Application will be sent once a completed EOI has been accepted/approved to go to the next stage.

*Please be sure to consult the Expenses Guidelines and Resources before starting your EOI.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to have a conversation with R&I staff for support at any stage of the project: Contact us today.

Expression of Interest - Intake Form

Contact preference(Required)

Project Proposal Information

What key area of focus from the Niagara College Strategic Plan 2022-2027 applies to your proposal?: (check all that apply)(Required)

Use/Disbursement of Funds

The funding may be used to cover research costs in all forms, including but not limited to: release time, equipment and materials, survey development, data analysis, and dissemination and outreach. Research funded through the ROF is subject to all applicable College policies, including the College Intellectual Property policy, and policies related to Finance and Purchasing, and if needed, Niagara College Research Ethics Board approval, when dealing with human subjects in research.
*Categories include: Student Assistant, Faculty Release, Researcher
Please enter a number from 0 to 40000.
Please provide an estimated total salary.
Price per Unit
# of Units
*Categories include: Materials, Expertise, Minor Capital, Travel, Dissemination
Please enter a number from 0 to 40000.
Please provide an estimated total non-salary:

Supervisor Permission

Supervisor's Name:(Required)

Learn more

Niagara College’s Research & Innovation provides real-world solutions for business, industry and the community through innovation activities.
For more information on the Research & Opportunity Fund, contact David DiPietro ([email protected]).