Research Opportunity Fund
Expression of Interest – Apply Now
Proposals for funding start with an Expression of Interest (EOI), which will be reviewed internally by R&I to ensure at least one or more of the goals of the ROF will be met by the project, and that the high-level timeline and proposed budget/expenses are acceptable.
Applicants will have an opportunity to improve or update the application based on input from R&I. They are strongly encouraged to contact Research & Innovation staff before applying. A reminder: applicants may only conduct one ROF project at a time.
Once R&I has approved this EOI, the applicant will have one month to submit a full application to the ROF committee for final evaluation. A fillable PDF for the Full Application will be sent once a completed EOI has been accepted/approved to go to the next stage.
*Please be sure to consult the Expenses Guidelines and Resources before starting your EOI.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to have a conversation with R&I staff for support at any stage of the project: Contact us today.